Sunday, November 19, 2006

So Much for Leonid, But a Good Day in All

Was it a 15 minute meteor shower? Is that why we missed it--the drive time? Regardless, I found a new stargazing spot (which is actually near a current kayaking spot). "Excellent" seems a horrid way to describe stars, and "amazing" seems overused, but "worth the chill that seeped through a hat, thermal shirt, fuzzy vest, Columbia jacket, lined nylon jacket and hood, and two blankets" doesn't have a ring to it.

I can still only identify one constellation--Orion--and I can sometimes find the Big Dipper. If I pause, wipe my glasses, and still see a big smear in the air, I assume that's the Milky Way.

No shower tonight, though. When we heard an eerie chorus from the south and ARG said they were coyotes, I was quite happy to leave. We'd already had a spotlight shined on us by local law enforcement--what else could the night entail?

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