Saturday, November 04, 2006

Choice Trumps Right?

I ran into a horrid blog last night--one on which a "helpful" woman had written up instructions for performing an abortion. She directed it as aid to the unfortunate women of SD, if the law banning abortions is passed next week.

Numerous people wrote in to make mention of her idiocy--this is not best as a tried-at-home procedure. The author snidely responded that her intent was to assist people in setting up illegal clinics. A) If I were a scared girl intent on having an abortion, I'd find my best friend and coerce her to improvise on instruments and perform it for me, since the step-by-step directions were provided. B) If I were going to even an illegal clinic, I sure hope they'd have used something other than a blog for their manual. C) If the clinic did use a blog as a reference manual, I certainly would prefer that the blog's author wasn't one who referred to humans she disagreed with as "trolls." I suppose I'd be worried about professionalism.

I think it's ironic that the "pro-choice" crowd ignores a main tenet from the Declaration of Independence--the self-evident, unalienable right to life?

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