Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Got Dumped--AHGAIN!

Same guy.

I hadn't written back to him because I hadn't figured out a tactful way to tell him off. You know, lovingly, kindly...but not too lovingly or kindly. A week later, I got an email saying he wondered if he had jumped the gun, and was open to discussing issues that had come up. I had just decided to not write a telling-off (nicely) message. He still wanted communication? Not knowing what to do, I did nothing. He wrote again on Sunday, wondering if I had gotten his email. Yes...but to say I'd gotten his email would mean I should respond. Again, I didn't know how to respond nicely. And then life got busy. I was out of town, inservice began, we had Back-to-School Night...

Tonight's message was simple: my name, followed by "I'm not going to pursue anything in regards to you. Take Care," followed by his name.

So, nice...but presumptuous. After two weeks with no response, did he think I was interested?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That guy's got some nerve! Haha, what a silly man.