Monday, February 19, 2007

Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World


I have an odd feeling that one of the monitors from my elementary school lunch days is someone I later met at a Bible study. Weird. I'm positive it's her. Ugh. Shivers again!

It was the early 80's, lunch-in-a-gym, and college students were hired to prevent foodfights...and other things, apparently. I'm not sure what the initial incident was, but I was harshly accused of making a face at one of the paranoid monitors. She sentenced me to finishing my meal alone, against a cold cinderblock wall in full view of my generally hostile peers. I still get tense when reliving that moment. (No wonder I'm not a great dinnertime socializer--residual fear of a firing squad lineup.)

Due to this intense trauma, I can relate to the poor elementary schoolers in Warwick, RI, who, as a whole, are not allowed to speak at lunch. Why not? People can't hear them choking.

It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world...


Anonymous said...

I was really moved by this one.....and your inability to spell 'initial' =>

~B said...

Maybe they should hiremore monitors.....~B

Goalie said...

B: yep! Or just be attentive to blue kids!

Anonymous Stan: Freak! You _would_ notice! It's changed. Thank you for keeping me humble; it _was_ such an excellent entry...