Thursday, May 24, 2007

Playing Marco Polo by Myself

How do you define lonely?

Lonely is sitting at a table with 11 friends, and not being able to explain to them why you ditched your church and visited another one. (The sermon title "Life's Problems: Loneliness" was on the marquee.)

Lonely is telling five friends that your only reason for going to a specific movie is to be social...and then ending up in the one seat left--next to a friend's prepubescent brother.

Lonely is hearing a friend ask how you're doing...and then hearing the "multitasking pause" between your comment and their response.

"I am never less alone than when I am alone." --James Howell
All I want to do is put on my "hooker clothes," to use a concept from Pretty Woman. After Stuckey's crude advances toward Vivian, she lashes out at Edward. *If you were going to treat me like a hooker, why didn't you let me wear my own clothes? Then, I know how to deal with people like that." (Roughly translated.)

Hooker clothes. Isolate myself. Can't be disappointed in any but myself if there's no one else around. (A bit of the Jack Sparrow brogue is coming off my tongue as I write this. It's rather amusing in my head.)

The part of that loneliness sermon that's been running through my mind for a few days is the first point under "Remedies for Loneliness." Friends.

How. How does this work? People are people--human and fallible. How can we be counted on for cheer? And if I'm to be getting my joy from God, what is the importance of people? And if I'm not getting joy from God, then what's the matter with me?

Frustration is not finding a gracious way to say, "Did anyone notice I left my seat an hour into a three hour movie, and never came back?" Lonely is having no one to help you figure it out.


~B said...


Anonymous said...

I'm just blown away by this post - I know that I know exactly what you mean.
And I'm with b, *hug* from this part of the world, too.