Saturday, May 26, 2007

More Definitions

Providence is students clustering around your desk and engaging in face-to-face conversation, on a day when you really needed to not be invisible.

Tears are precipitation from your heart when you get a friend's message that she really cares.

Reward is the wind at your back, blowing you toward the beach after you've paddled against the waves.

Perfection is praying that God would show you Himself, then finding wild roses growing above highly artistic, dry tree roots in a cove. There is beauty. There is strength. They are not hidden. They are there.

Worry is hearing the call of nature above the wind, and realizing you've kayaked farther from the landing than you thought you had.

Panic is noting that the wind feels different against your left arm than your right...and, upon looking, remembering that you don't have dark arm hair...and that, regardless, your arm hair certainly did not have a spider growing from it when last you looked.

Lucidity and gratitude are what follow your frantic yelping and flailing as you recall that balance is, indeed, important on the high seas.

Definitions are an oddly cathartic way of blogging.

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