Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Finding My Clownfish

Once I got over feeling like a prostitute, it started to be fun. After wading for years in kiddie pools, I set foot in the ocean and found [gasp] other fish!

While I'm pleased to report findings of perch, snappers and mackerel, there have also been a few carp. Here are my (least) favorites:
  • A, who said he wants his woman to have long hair and no makeup, and wear skirts--because that's how he believes things originally were. In his leisure time, he likes to play Nintendo.
  • B, who says he is not a virgin...but will not consider anyone who is not one.
  • C, whose "Must Haves" included "I must have someone who is mature and experienced as a potential sexual partner and is able to express himself/herself freely."
  • D, who had fantastic potential until I actually heard him on the phone. Think "Mr. Rogers trying to seduce you."
Still looking for Nemo.

PS: For those wondering, this is my version of Xeno's saga.


~B said...

Please explain further..... Enquiring minds NEED to know!

Anonymous said...

I agree with b, more info! ;o) And seriously, long hair and skirts?!

Patriot Xeno said...

the long hair, no makeup and skirts thing is from a particular religious denomination - i think pentecostal, but may apostolic.

and the "mr rogers" made me laugh, nice work.