Saturday, June 23, 2007

Exploring the Vast Wilds of...the Dump

Turns out that there are interconnected ponds near our town's old dump. Who knew? (Didn't spend a lot of time there.) Dad and I checked them out Wednesday evening after he'd heard of people canoeing and fishing there. While one can conquer the span in a 25-minute paddle, it was an excellent retreat.

Again, the grassed-over dump was about fifty yards away. Grass on top does not mean icky things are sealed underneath, but if fish were jumping and the turtles I saw were only one-headed, life couldn't be too bad. One dragonfly stalked me; the attention was kind of nice.

Paddling down a channel with Dad, no civilization in sight, made it seem a bit Lewis & Clarkish...until we came to the end of the waterway and identified the bike trail and softball fields...

A good night. I even pulled out my leftover Subway and ate in my the to the covered-up dump...though if any part of me had actually touched the water, I would have bathed myself in Purell. Visions of the disintegrating boat scene from "Dante's Peak" came to mind as I first paddled, but either plastic is stronger than metal...or...there's no volcanic activity near our dump.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that whole 'volcanic activity turned the lake to acid' bit is kinda out-there anyway.... I just watched that movie yesterday