Once you find out who you are, there's a database link to more information about your persona. Okay, here's where I go from "geeky" to "cool." Some info is columnar...much like our beloved standardized tests...and whether you're reading about a scientific precept, a personage of historical significance, or, say, a character you've watched 37 times, you're still reading, right?
The birth of a new assignment for my Title I reading students...
- Go to http://www.tk421.net/character/ and find out who you are. (Aaah...if only "finding ourselves" were this easy...)
- Once there, click on the databank link. [If you find yourself having freakish qualities, by all means, go back, rethink answers, and try again.]
- Using complete sentences, answer the following questions in a Word document.
- Who is your character?
- What is his/her/its homecountry/homeplanet/homeregion?
- What is your character's physical description?
- Who does he/she/it enjoy spending time with?
- What accomplishment is your character most proud of?
- What is the worst experience he/she/it has ever gone through?
- If this character were a member of your family (aside from yourself), who would he/she/it be most like?
- In a battle situation, where would this character be most useful?
- If you watched a movie with this creature, what movie would it be?
- What else did you think was interesting?
- Copy and paste your entire Word document as a comment under the "Sci-Fi Characters" entry of our blog.
- Read your blog comments to the rest of the class.
Thanks to B for the site--quite some time ago!
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