Friday, April 06, 2007

On Keeping

I have this insane desire to keep everything I've touched. A wind-up Yoshi from a Burger King kids' meal. An envelope His Highness put an ice cube in (sealed in a plastic bag, of course) and left for me as a joke (long story). The packaging from my quad-spaced AA battery charger, in case something goes wrong and I need to take it back. Packaging from my eyeliner, so I can remember which brand and style I long as I can distinguish the package of the product I like from the package of the product I didn't like... A black dress that doesn't fit me well, but that I could do something really creative with at some point, because it doesn't matter if I absolutely ruin it.

Waking up today, my eyes spotted a monthly prayer card on the floor across the room. It was nestled with four others from the same couple, missionaries to the people of Cambodia. At that moment, I had a profound revelation: those cards aren't meant to be kept. They're insightful and educate me on ways of life and ways to pray, but their purpose is to convey information, not clutter my habitat.

From my reservation days, I remember a team meeting in which we discussed some pointless approach to a student problem. "But what would be the purpose?" was my question when the higher-ups and more knowledgable ones had offered their advice.

Afterward, my coworker, "Junior," pulled me aside and laughed. "But what would be the purpose?" he mimicked me. "I was wondering the same thing!" he exclaimed. Forever after, that was our catchphrase.

So now Junior's face comes to mind as I glance about my surroundings. Promotional computer bag with little padding and a self-unfastening strap: what would be the purpose? A notebook from junior high, with 20 sheets of paper still inside: purpose? Antibacterial lotion bottle with less than a squeeze left inside... The list goes on, but not for long.

1 comment:

3lool said...

Well hey--that's a tally of four Chandlers thus far... Are there really any other options?

Happy belated Easter, 3LOOL!

hahahaha lol

hey goalie how are you :)

i think all people will be chandler type nowadays

in the next century we will find carnivores , vegetarian and chandlerian :)

happy easter for you too

well after i read your post i can tell you that i have this habit too
i wont say it is an insane desire but it became habit for me

you know what since afew days ago i found achocolate cover between my stuff ,, it was for agalaxy chocolate that i ate since 5 years :)

i dont know why i kept it

what would be the purpose?!!!

i fear i will turn to be akeeping addictor lol