Wednesday, January 10, 2007

In Due Time

I don't get it. Boy at frat house drinks too much. Frat guys draw obscene things on boy. Boy dies from alcohol poisoning. Parents sue frat guys.

If I were the parent in this case, I would (in due time)

  • think through the past 18 years of my kid's life and analyze what I had taught him about self-esteem, identity, doing what a chanting hoarde of collegiates told him, and ingesting massive quantities of alcohol
  • come to the realization that no matter what I taught him, this was his choice of environment and action
  • join up with or begin a crusade to enable people to actually think about their choices (ie: consumption of alcohol en masse), and the effects those choices have on others (how intoxicated do you have to be to not realize that a) a person who's that unresponsive needs medical attention and b) you're drawing on someone who has not passed out, but passed away?)

But sue? On what grounds?

1 comment:

Armorison said...

It reminds me a lot of the lady at McDonald's. She buys coffee, she sees steam coming out of it to indicate the warmth of the coffee. She spills it on herself. She gets burnt. She sues Mcdonald's and wins tons of money. It's all about choices as you said, and not to mention a little common sense on the side.